Subitism ; Jesus to rebuild "Temple" in 3x days ; Vamanadeva to regain whole World in 3x steps ? Instant Zen ?
Relax as Real-X ? Or forget your "Passion" to help after all this
Se7en / suffering witnessed ? Agony to relax .. ?
Relax, agree, handshake ? Relax = set record straight, and not "turn other cheek" and let them assume evidence incorrectly ? Meditation system not needed at putting each other at peace / relax, anyway ? Ok ?
How I wanna Socialize on the www, and (for my Web-site / here), work on a chat-room / login system .. "Masonic" / privacy desirable ? But I get www-stagefright if a friend were to share too much info too soon / download (copy & paste even). "One rotten apple ruins the bunch" ? So, so-far I have my "One line a day" theory ? At the very least, cannot I do a pin-prick / seed of work on this "BBS" ?
Rehearse all free moments of day, for "one line" (a day for) on your
"BBS" /
"Dhyana-Yoga of the Day", theory ? "Love in separation" ? Calc best "devotional service" (to "deliver") each day ? Gregs interpretation, not that of
ISKCON as far as I interpret ?
I heard this story that (Rapper / Actor)
Will Smiths Father needed a brick-wall built for part of his Shop or something, and he got Will to add, just one brick, properly placed each day, rather than "all at once". This also reminded me of this "one line a day" theory ?
Regarding "freedom" : "Normal" people "forced" to work, so maybe only 3x hrs (afternoon) Facebook and not all day (else over-"holiday" burn-out / stale / RSI), anyway ? Yet Hollywood and the Personal Development industry advertises how we should be "free" or strive for "financial independence" .. "financial freedom", etc .. Am I starting to sound Communist ? "Honour thy Parents", who spent their lives trying to give you a life of more freedom, only to get mixed messages (from them for trying to be free / successful), and ungrateful, despite all this technology created for that ?
How about (irony) ? that sometimes restriction may actually create even more
freedom ? e.g. A Game or Sport wouldn't be fun unless we thrive within the restrictions of it ? Or Writers Block, overwhelmed by a blank page (discriminate this idea is better than that) .. add a few restrictions and its easier to write ?
Were already more "free" on the first place, by the (so-called) restrictions ("paradox") ? Bill Gates house (sometimes called) "Xanadu 2.0" (as a symbol that the money doesn't necessarily make you happy) ?
Vimana Vamana ? .. with minimal "tech", blew away the (max tech) alientation in your World ?
As I like to say : "you want this, don't you" ? :
made.mod ?
Amongst other theories on how Christianity could "work", and the Worlds Religions ? Subitism, etc ?
Record both : (1) rehearsal (sacrificed devotion) + (2) actual delivery = (one way to) seem
Demoscene ?
Ekphrasis ?
"Ode on a Grecian Urn" ? [didn't actually research this properly yet] .. retaL ?