"One line a day" theory / orientation
The point of this Web-page is the : "write 1x line a day" theory ..
is to use spare time to come up with the 1x next most relaxing line (in the whole day) / broadcast .. Initially this was due to my problem to Socialize online (www stage-fright). Create value over time ?

(1) Cameron said that in the NASA (Space-program) they'd only write one line of Code a day, because it had to be so mission critical / perfect. (2) On the Radio I heard of a Novelist who only writes one line of Story a day. (3) Small "Vamanadeva" 3x steps ("begged") ? to regain your whole World ? Plodding Chess King ?

The appeal of (slow) Wordle ? If nothing else achieved for the day ?


With this 1x line a day .. may seem on course to vibehit.mod ? Law of Results ? : You may find 2x, 10x lines a day better instead ?

What if the next 1x step to relax feels like entertainment / software Piracy, or best concoct a Meditation system ? Hot puzzle piece ?

What if this "one line a day" theory starts to be failing : buy yourself time by bureaucracy or maybe next 1x line as writing entertainment / Story / Blockbuster ? But then if all the fame doesn't feel happy ? But "easily" know you can attain it ? Needn't attract attention to us ?

Or start hoping to fix the World, but converges on a select group / relaxed ? Whether to do an entry on the Sabbath or holidays, etc ?

Software not built in a day, so keep up morale in the meanwhile by some sort of contribution .. "the so famous pouet.net oneliner" .. ?

More .. [ spoiler warning ; go with your intuition ; hint book ] ?


YouTube : Logo History - LucasArts (1984-2013)

Greg suggested ? : Start with a single line of Blockbuster writing : rudimentary "Hero" > (or / then) "Hero beats Villain/s" .. and flesh it out new line, daily ?
"One line a day" theory .. actual entries section :
#1 : 2023-Mar-16 : "Lets be cautious" (e.g. not "turn other cheek" to oncoming traffic)
#2 : 2023-Mar-17 : "Friends are welcome"
#3 : 2023-Mar-18 : "Salvation is free" (shouldn't be that copyright). "We're all happy, okay, good here" (con).
#4 : 2023-Mar-19 : "Forever & ever" ? "Beware the maturity" ?
#5 : 2023-Mar-20 : "Don't owe & the (slow) work on ANSI Art" ? acid.org ; ice.org ?
#6 : 2023-Mar-21 : "Peace-of-mind .. the fun must come from somewhere ? .. we'll see ? Could do with a Telegard" ?
#7 : 2023-Mar-22 : FYI : "Redundant if I don't get it perfect / 'surrendered' vs ego ? Or same day / perfect time ? A Demo" ?
#8 : 2023-Mar-23 : "Gym workout today, started to feel really should be Martial Arts for me" ?
#9 : 2023-Mar-24 : "Back to the blast. ANSI Adverts. Letter of Day = 'Sh' ; More letters of Day = 'ANSI' .." ?
#10 : 2023-Mar-25 : "ANSI .. Ain-Soph (Qabalah) ? Letter of the Day (to share) / yesterday = 'Sh' .." ?
#11 : 2023-Mar-26 : "Ain + 'Sh', dial-tone + (modem) handshaking ? Dhyana-yoga ? vs Ed Scissorhands / iCE ending" ?
#12 : 2023-Mar-27 : "Variety dice of life ? Currently playing "Space "D&D" II : Interstellar" ! You too can play free, Respect".
#13 : 2023-Mar-28 : "Add "Space II" to my (private) Title / Premise list. Too busy with own Game-play to bother with yours" ?
#14 : 2023-Mar-29 : "Mentals have time for mentals. Non-mentals do not ? THG query ? Gunas ? Bright neon colours" ?
#15 : 2023-Mar-30 : "Oh, anyway ? Chat-"D&D" ? We play at Arcade ? Start design some (pixel) font & go listen .MODs" ?
#16 : 2023-Mar-31 : "Feels natural ? Provided like D&D, feel the Universe cares ? Plodding Chess King Sys-Op Maharaj" ?
#17 : 2023-Apr-01 : "Fonts, .MODs, milk-bottle sweets ? The "Illiterate Brahmana" (Text 94 - 103) or a "VSL" present" !?
#18 : 2023-Apr-02 : "Heart against a feather ? Get expert who can (con) friends to relax / hope most ? Natural ? Odin" ?
#19 : 2023-Apr-03 : "Thought for the Day !? Still the ANSI obsession ? We're all cool here, aren't you ? Smile ? Fonts" !
#20 : 2023-Apr-04 : "Meet at Arcade ? Do I need an Alias = peace of mind ? Hope > charity ? Back to .MODs / The Party" ?
#21 : 2023-Apr-05 : "Bubble-Bobble, ANSI, ANSI .. The Party .. Self-hood illegal ? Top Gun soundtrack ? "Panic" over" ?
#22 : 2023-Apr-06 : "In Time - Robbie Rob / Bill & Ted ? Perfect system, challenge the "Panic" or relax ? Chat-D&D" ?