A Story of Hope. The good guys are gonna win, whether it gets too easy or too hard / catalyst, so whats to worry ? .. to become a choice ? .. to some theory I had ? Mirror ? How deep does that mentality go ? Bored of repeat
tennis.mod ? Still, of-course, drive a vehicle / car safely and practice other important safety needs (vs catalyst / time) ?
(c) 2023
www.gregdallimore.com [ part of "Lost (Coder) Psychology" Tutorials ] ..
Hi Jules ! I better articulated a theory where some "Trojan Horse" mentalities crippled my life. Recently I was reminded of the 1990's "Belushi" Comedy / Movie called "Taking Care of Business". The Movie seemed to revolve in part around this "Filofax" (business scheduler / day-planner / diary) .. with an uptight executive named "Spencer", with a life dependent / dictated by his Scheduler ?
If I recall correct, towards the end of that Movie is a rejection of the need for that Filofax / Scheduler -- it is discarded, as a symbol for greater freedom and living more happily. Yet here I propose the inverse is perhaps more true ? This system as perhaps simply more "rediscovered", than anything of my invention ?
I might have tried to take lesson from this Movie, as we do with such "moral of the story" lessons. Hence I tried to break free from the mould of School subjects to focus on living my Passion, and to not "miss the boat" / finally "get ahead" in Software Biz, etc ? The moral of this Movie looks / sounds good in principle .. but its another example of where I MAY have been lead astray .. "Wolf in Sheeps Clothing" (moral of that Story too, for example) ?
However recently (trying to fix my "broken" life) .. I wonder if the School Time-table system actually worked better all along. Pretty Woman (Movie) sound-track : "Read Wild Child (Wild One)" lyrics : "Well, I'm just outta school, like I'm real, real cool". "Do You Hear the People Sing" lyrics ? "School's out for summer, School's out forever" lyrics ? (and I'm not an Alice Cooper fan) .. !
I was happier BBSing than www ! Happier with one-to-one Chats than broadcasting / www stagefright ? But instead of the promised "personal-development" freedom, I now propose perhaps some "regulative principles of freedom" of only spending 30-45x mins a day on each Project / "School" Subject, BBS or each friend .. max ! Or best friends up to 2x hrs a day, or 3x hrs bursts of romance from time to time ? If any upsets / arguments lots of time for recovery, forgiveness, time to think things over .. and progress in some areas if not others keeps up morale and keeps me away from the panic attacks I otherwise seem prone to ?
www.futurecrew.com (website) says : "The internet is closed. Please go away."
[I generally feel the same about the Internet / for many years] ..
I'm not (yet) as resilient or strong as some Web Server Computer (capable of) running 24-7-365, hence "inferior" / complex > Sabbath ? Though
www.robertscheinfeld.com is one Personal Development Guru who seems to say there IS so much more FREEDOM possible out there than what we generally are prone / taught to accept. So I spend some time with that "Meditation" sort of a thing ? (maybe I actually obsess about it like playing a Pokie / Slot Machine for a dopamine hit, that I might have almost "won" the "Lottery") ? Auckland 1990s BBSer "Powercore" may be interested in that (kind of power / score "new" Self-mastery/s) ?
But have to be really strict with these "Regulative Principles of Freedom", that its easy to wanna just extend a Project you're currently working on, another 15x minutes or so .. "give an inch, take a mile" and suddenly a mentality / momentum prone to the panic attacks + "drowning at sea" ? Even for friends, etc .. Sad, huh ?
Minimal give & take ? Regulative Principles of "Freedom" that were formerly "enforced" by tech & freedom levels / limits of the time (1990s BBSing) .. now perhaps harder to enforce / self-control ? Greedy to help / tame THAT wild animal ? And get "Back to the Future" ?
Then there is the "pessimistic" appraisal / vantage-point ..
Chances are Jules is already "Married with Children" ? And the Hare Krishna Guru said to reconcile with Krishna ("God") before consider any such romances. The "Material World" (The Matrix) ? (a "hopeless place" by design) ? .. these relationships don't generally work out .. Smart youth : "Romeo & Juliet" are so sure (of the mirage) the future lies with them, and theres no chance they'll end up like their "foolish" Parents / tragedy ? Feeling like exhausted from doing Jackie Chan stunts daily to be romantic, else become a confused Alcoholic ? "It'll be different for me / us" .. we all say ! Avatar 2 : parents & kids unhappy ?
Google : romeo i defy you stars
But anyway, so (I currently calculate) I need to be an imperfect "Han-Solo" to "get a Job" for the Krishna Gurus instructions (the prescription to my *particular* case), to learn the Truth of how love and all REALLY are meant to work ? Unfortunately I have a problem complying with Guru / mental paralysis due to overwhelming compassion, wasted talent issues and so many choices and theories & Gurus. Not sure which Guru to trust / listen to, or even it all left as a big Game ? Maybe some "no kind of Role-model at all" .. to "get a Job" as a faster Self-Mastery catalyst ? But that wasn't the point of my similar sounding "prescription" to BBSer Powercore .. ! Carbon-freeze ?
Again, that "overwhelmed with compassion", and with an awareness of potentially a scalable capacity to fix things ? .. but then suddenly carried the "weight" too far, and feels like caught in a rip-current at the beach / undertow .. and "drowning at sea" again ? Float up (like a balloon) and then lift them up to your level instead of come down to their level and get stuck there, and like them !?
I had this recent other theory I call : "SGS" which means "sleezy > gratitude > sleezy" .. You start out "sleezy" in learning Computers & to accumulate all you want. But then you're so ultra-grateful that you've got all that stuff, that you take on incredible pressure to give back to the World, that you actually become hopelessly non-functional. The only solution is to go back and accept being imperfect / "sleezy" ?
Ugly Web-sites sell ?
Another "Trojan" (among many / several tricky curve-balls) like the "Filofax" problem (looks good only in principle / mirage) is that of over-thinking or OVER-OPTIMIZING .. and setting yourself a "role-model" standard you just cannot live up to .. where nothing you do is ever good enough for anyone. Or perhaps a hopeless "homeless" romantic that hasn't enough land to place a pin ? No (inter-personal) boundaries, all given away in love ?
(1) over-optimize = romantic / non-functional .. not a pin of land / Pandavas ?
(2) don't optimize to much = practical / functional .. but see no point in romance / bored ? .. only putting on some "Show" ?
Upon returning from exile, the Pandavas rightfully requested their kingdom from Duryodhana, who bluntly refused to yield it. Duty-bound as princes to serve in public administration, the five Pandavas reduced their request to a mere five villages. But Duryodhana arrogantly replied that he wouldn't spare them enough land into which to drive a pin.
But I prefer Ramayana to Mahabharata ? ; YouTube : ramayana cartoon english ;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKcOjnDJfzk [Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama (Full animated film 1993)] .. 2:08:49
Note : I have been requested by ISKCON Krishna devotees, to say I am not an official spokesman for their teachings. THG ? ; Krishna Humanitarian "Hugging Saint"
www.amma.org didn't say I can't talk about such ? "Mother-Board" Humanitarian BBS ? ; So which philosophy here ? .. Manic-Depression ?
(A) Chinese "Yin-Yang" :
(B) "Hindu" "gunas" :
(1) Spiritual -- happy in beginning, happy in end (all the way) ?
(2) Sattva -- unhappy in beginning, happy in end (austerity) ?
(3) Rajas -- happy in beginning, unhappy in end (alcoholic) ?
(4) Tamas -- unhappy in beginning, unhappy in end (Bart Simpson) ?
Or "Sattva" guna as like what Nick Wigley called "BBS maintenance" ? A little time to each Subject / Project / friend .. daily, keeps up morale progressing in some areas if not others. Vishnu "maintainer" ?
Maybe "Rajas" guna as Brahma / "Passion" guna .. live your Passion all day, but get stale / bored / lose morale ? Or "project" others jealous you get to live your Passion and they don't ? ..
made.mod ?
Do the job (dharma) you love / were born to do, and never "have to" work another day in your life ? Or get stuck in that job working on 1x Project only, and start to get stale & increasingly paranoid the Universe is (for some reason) against you .. won't let you be / have free/dom .. like they promise ? .. confused criminal for just trying to help ? "Prometheus Bound" (story) / mind-route ?
Ohh, the researching to find the "Belushi" Movie had a link to this Wiki page :
1. Ghost, starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Goldwyn, Rick Aviles, $505,702,588
2. Home Alone, starring Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, John Heard, Catherine O'Hara, $476,684,675
3. Pretty Woman, starring Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, $463,407,268
A reverse-psychology to the "Taking Care of Business" (Movie) ? .. counter-intuitive to the message proposed in the Movie ? Upgrades CAN be downgrades ? (sometimes try to be more and become less) ? .. create a good / convincing argument for / mirage / illusion .. looks / sounds good in principle ? Come "full circle" to find the Truth ? : (1) Time-table (seems) needed > (2) Time-table rejected (as symbolic of greater "freedom") > (3) Time-table restored (as actually practical after all) ..
Overall, my resolve is that : the good guys will win, however that looks. We need our Stories of Hope .. So despite friends more important than some silly Schedule / system, the Schedule as perhaps a type of Medicine you're "dependant" upon like food and air ? Would love to be there at "beck & call", but need to take this "Medicine" sometimes ?
Credit for .MOD music files where credit is due ! Taking care of BBS's .. sometimes ?
Oh, and to Tony Hubscher : how about Bhagavad-Gita .. if there were to be a Sys-Op Manual .. what would it look like .. spoken at Omaha Beach ?
Best wishes to Jules, however things are .. Greg ! =) .. I wonder what next ?