"(c)" 2024 www.gregdallimore.com ("credit" to what I "noticed" "myself") !?
Yarghh ! Let go, move on .. Trust me, I don't know what I'm doing ? .. Lords Prayer ? A sensible G-d ? Excuses, excuses .. HBJ ?
Set and forget : Attract all I need to relax ? Safe powers by the relax ? The Real-X ?
Google : trionfi iching
Favorite Hebrew Alphabet link (for Kabbalah /
Gematria play) ..
22 letter Hebrew Alphabet ; 22 Tarot Major Arcana ; 22 Pythagorean Master number ?
https://bijbelcode.nl/8._Het4.gif [ quick Gematria of Genesis 1.1 - 1.3 ]
Gematria of Genesis 1.1 (Torah) :
"Hebrew" :
Gematria :
English :
"In the beginning
the Heavens
the Earth"
913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 406 + 296 =
2701 = 37 x 73 ..
3s & 7s common to Kabbalah ? .. What about H & H and AMN = 91 ?
ALP (letter "A" / "Aleph") = 111 ; A (1) + L (30) + P (80) =
111 x 37 x 3 .. so 222, 333, etc !?
GML (letter "G" / "Gimel") = 73 ; G (3) + M (40) + L (30) =
The following one not "noticed" by me, so where credit is due ! :
- ChKMH "wisdom" = Ch (8) + K (20) + M (40) + H (5) = 73 ?
- ChKMH "wisdom" = Ch (8) + K (11) + M (13) = H (5) = 37 ?
Google : bonnie gaunt books
https://www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com/ >
37s ?
37 x 73 as Genesis 1.1 -- so "hunch" (by "Greg") to look for multiples of 37 or 73 in Genesis 1.1 ?
https://www.palmoni.net/gematria.htm [multiples of 37 in Genesis 1.1]
Agent-99 minus Agent-86 = 13 .. "noticed" by "Greg" ..
- 913 + 86 = 999 = 37 x 3 x 9
- 203 + 401 + 395 = 999 = 37 x 3 x 9
- 407 + 296 = 703 = 37 x 19
.. you do the rest of the math ?
So 999 + 999 + 703 = 2701 = 37 x 73 ? .. but a lost symmery of 999 + 999 + 703 ?
.. 999 + 999 + 999 ? ;
999 - 703 = 296 ; HARTz "the Earth" .. 5 + 1 + 200 + 90 = 296 .. in start of Genesis 1.2 ?
.. or throw 2x "Aleph" (1) from 703 to 999s, to make 1000 + 1000 + 701 = 2701 ?
Lost in translation ? .. increase faith for some ?
More Hebrew words :
- AHBH "love"
- AChD "unity" / "one"
Google : johannes kepler 2 treasures
"Geometry has two great treasures: one is the theorem of Pythagoras, the other the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a mass of gold, the second we may call a precious jewel.[2]"
AHBH : A (1) + H (5) + B (2) + H (5) = 13
AChD : A (1) + Ch (8) + D (4) = 13
.. see if you can spy in AHBH and AChD ? :
(1) 5:12:13 -- Pythagorean theorem / triple
(2) 5: 8:13 -- Fibonacci numbers (beauty ratio / divine proportion / Golden mean) ?
Or 12 around 1 spheres / verticies of :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuboctahedron [Vector Equilibrium] ?
Google : quantum arithmetic beda
https://svpwiki.com/Quantum-Arithmetic-Elements [buy books, learn more .. credit where due] ?
F = d² - e²
C = 2de
G = d² + e²
beda = 1,1,2,3
F = 2² - 1² =
3; C = 2x2x1 =
4; G = 2² + 1² =
beda = 1,2,3,5
F = 3² - 2² =
5; C = 2x3x2 =
12; G = 3² + 2² =
Google : patrick flanagan sri yantra
Infinite intelligence ? :
To me the patterns in Genesis 1.1 looked like its "Created" by an infinite intelligence ?
Lost in translation ? .. increase faith for some ?
I noticed Napoleon Hill when Googling (or YouTube) about "infinite intelligence" ?
Google : infinite intelligence napoleon hill
Gregs speculation that the "Tree of Sephirot" (in Hebrew / Kabbalah teachings) as a "Universal Form" / fractal-like at the basis of everything ? Always existed, always will ? .. eternal / natural geomtry ? .. however, to me, this theory in no way takes away from / discounts the miracle of G-d .. !
[Bhagavad Gita : Chapter 11 : The Universal Form]
"After seeing this universal form, which I have never seen before, I am gladdened, but at the same time my mind is disturbed with fear. Therefore please bestow Your grace upon me and reveal again Your form as the Personality of Godhead, O Lord of lords, O abode of the universe."
See :
Anthropomorphic Kabbalah ? Left-right symmetry to so many species of life + head, body & limbs ?
Humans, animals, insects, birds, fish ? ..
"Planes, Trains and Automobiles" ? .. Bicycles, Skateboards ?
.. Tree rotational symmetry + semi-random .. Flower / fruit / stem ? .. spin on axis ? .. "Does G-d play dice" to seem anonymous ?
And arguments made for Architecture .. floor-plans & uprights ?
Darwinism ?
"Survival of the fittest" ; "separate wheat from chaff" ? Adaptation ? .. or quantum "Evolution" of
Platonic Solids ? Creature Gen Software ..
Maya-3D ? Yet even there, still some sort of a Universal Form / basis / template ?
A few more "Hindu" thoughts ? :
The Hebrew word "BRA" means "to create". I also heard this root is in the Hindu Demi-God name "Brahma", "the Creator" ? Brahmin, Brain !?
B (2) + R (200) + A (1) = 203 ..
ABRM "Abram" .. 203 + 40 = 243 = 3
5 (3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3) ?
ShRH "Sarah" .. 203 + 302 = 505 .. "Sarah made Abraham laugh" ?
To me the "Ezra" ? Hebrew Alphabet / text reminds me of
Assembler language ?
BRAShITh : "In the beginning" :
And this is only (a look) at the first verse (of Genesis / Torah), only the beginning ? All the rest still to come ?
https://www.zohar.com/zohar [ big Kabbalah text ] ?
Google : ihvh zodiac golden dawn
https://hermeticgoldendawn.org/shem/ [YHVH permutations and the Zodiac] ?
Goole : 32 alhim paths of wisdom
https://hermetic.com/jwmt/v1n3/32paths ["ALHIM" occurs 32x in Genesis Ch 1] ?
.. mapped to 32x Paths of Wisdom / Tree of Sephirot ?
"lightening flash" ? ..
Heros Journey / Blockbuster structure ? .. Sephirot Tree structure / template, multi-level intersecting as Species of Life / Genesis Ch 1 ?
Microcosms ?
Google : zohar woe elegant robe
"Woe unto the man," says Simeon ben Yohai, "who asserts that this Torah intends to relate only commonplace things and secular narratives; for if this were so, then in the present times likewise a Torah might be written with more attractive narratives. [..] Now the narratives of the Torah are its garments. He who thinks that these garments are the Torah itself deserves to perish and have no share in the world to come. Woe unto the fools who look no further when they see an elegant robe! More valuable than the garment is the body which carries it, and more valuable even than that is the soul which animates the body."
Perhaps :
"Don't judge a book by its cover" ?
Double entendre ?
Other ? :
Legit mystical Math ? :
.. Proof of G-d ? Old Testament / New Testament ?
http://www.religiouskart.com/blog/value-of-pi-in-krishna-stuth/ [ Google : krishna pi maths ]
YouTube : Donald Duck - Mathmagic Land
http://www.workofthechariot.com/TextFiles/Practices-YHVHMantra.html [ "Shema" Prayer ] ?
YouTube : Top-Gun : Ego writing cheques ?
YouTube : Star Wars 2 : Ability to use Force diminished ?
Quantum / GPT -- vs --
https://www.torahcalc.com/ ? .. .txt file of Genesis 7 days of creation [to come] ?